Our goal is that our students live life in all its fullness and flourish as God intended. We want to give every girl a better future.
The morality of our values- Trust, Hope, Endurance, Forgiveness, Friendship and Thankfulness are at the heart of the Davison family ethos.
Academically, students thrive in a calm and purposeful environment. Students’ life chances improve as their numeracy and literacy improve and their progress in this area is a key focus. Well-resourced and highly qualified staff deliver programs of study based on high expectations and the belief that students can go beyond their best in all areas of the curriculum.
Our assessment system is based on the growth mindset theory and involves the use of key performance indicators and personal learning check lists. Our students become independent learners as their assessment develops in partnership with their teachers.
Parents and carers are instrumental to students’ progress and we endeavour to involve them as partners in their daughters’ learning journey.
We believe that the timetabled lessons are only a part of the curriculum at Davison and we encourage all members of the Davison family to fully immerse themselves in the life of the school. As well as our “Colour Family System” there are numerous opportunities for personal development outside the classroom. Our reward systems and Davison Pledge also reflect this.
The many life changing extra-curricular opportunities at Davison help students to:
· exceed their academic expectations
· become confident, successful and responsible young women
· understand Christian values whatever their beliefs and faith
The Davison Pledge:
We want you to have an enjoyable and successful time at Davison, to become a confident young woman and to leave here armed with the necessary knowledge to make a positive contribution to society. We want you to do well for yourself, having developed the relevant skills, attributes, and attitudes to lead a happy and fulfilled life.
We will push – and support – you to do your best in all aspects of your education and will try hard to provide you with challenges, both in and out of lessons.
During your time at this school, you will have the opportunity to:
- take part in at least one residential trip
- represent your Form, Family, Year or the School in some activity
- speak in front of – or entertain – an audience of students
- speak in front of – or entertain – an audience of adults
- be involved in at least one after school club
- raise money for a good cause
- give practical help to a community group
- have some of your work displayed
- gain experience in the workplace
- develop an understanding of courses available to you at college
- have access to helpful careers guidance
- have a role in mentoring younger students
- be of service to the school in some capacity.
This is a two-way process, though, and we urge you to take up the opportunities that will be offered to you.
The experiences on offer both within and outside the timetable are designed to give students a broad and balanced experience. The curriculum is reviewed each year and adjusted to ensure that:
· our resources are used effectively
· subjects have the correct time allocation and content
· the subjects on offer are in line with our intent
· we comply with the national curriculum
· it is relevant to our new students and our students as they progress to post 16.
See the Davison Curriculum description & option pathways
We regularly review and monitor the curriculum content through lesson observations, subject line management and data analysis of student progress, attendance and behaviour. Our continuing professional development sees teachers as reflective practitioners, ensuring that we read and utilise the most recent educational research.
We ensure that able students are challenged, those with additional needs are supported and all have the opportunity for enrichment.
Our learning Platform FROG is used for communication with students and parents/carers through all year groups and Frog Progress uses a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system for year 7,8 and 9. This enables all to understand what has been learned and how to develop further using the FROG learning locker.
KPIs are assessed regularly in an appropriate way for each subject.
In years 10 and 11 learning checklist and regular assessments and feedback enables students’ progress. This is done in a way appropriate to the particular subjects.
Students have formal exams annually to help prepare them for their final assessments in their qualifications.
Our aim of giving every girl a better future is realised in our academic results and evident in the wonderful young women who leave us at to go onto further education and training.
Our system of Key Performance Indicators uses the FROG platform. This is our “Growth Mindset” take on life after levels and we now believe it is having a significant impact upon our students’ academic outcomes. At key stage 3 this has helped our students become much more independent learners so that they are able to start their qualification courses as with the tools they need to succeed.
Our progress 8 scores have been consistently at least above average in national comparisons. In 2019 we broke all of our school records for the all of headline measures for progress, attainment and attendance.
Our first full cohorts to experience five years at Davison completing their qualifications in 2020 and 2021 continued this success despite the challenges of these years due to the lockdowns.
We had excellent engagement in e-learning whilst the students were on lockdown when many students experienced more than normal absences. Many of our systems of “catch up” have been catalysed into improvement because of these challenges. This has included our bespoke Davison Tutoring Programme (DTP) and our “Continuity of learning” section of the website. This enhances students’ chances of keeping up with their school work if they miss any aspects of their learning.
Progress 8 measures at Davison continue to be very positive showing that overall student progress is well above the national average. Most pleasing was that students of all abilities made similar and excellent progress overall. SEE: https://www.gov.uk/school-performance-tables FOR MORE PERFORMANCE DATA.