School uniform engenders a sense of belonging and a smart uniform encourages a more mature approach to learning. Parents are asked to give full support to the school uniform policy. Please approach the school in confidence, if you require financial support in obtaining uniform; a small supply of quality second-hand uniform is available from the school.

All students are expected to be in full uniform each day. We reserve the right to withdraw students from lessons if they are not wearing the correct uniform, or if their hairstyle or colour is deemed inappropriate. Parents should check with the school before purchasing items, if they are unsure of their suitability. The Headteacher’s decision is final.

  • Skirt: Navy blue, pleated, to be purchased only from our official suppliers (Broadwater Sports or First4Uniform). Skirts should be below knee length and above ankle length.
  • Trousers: From September 2021, a navy blue tailored trouser is permitted as an alternative to the school skirt. The trouser must be a regulation item which displays the school logo. It can be purchased from either of our official uniform suppliers (Broadwater Sports or First4Uniform). No alternative will be accepted.
  • Jumper: Only the regulation school jumper is permitted from the above suppliers.
  • Blouse: Plain white, three quarter-length sleeve, with open necked collar that can be worn in or outside the skirt.
  • T-shirts: Only plain white t-shirts or vests can be worn beneath school blouses.
  • Tights: Plain black only. Visible leggings are not permitted.
  • Socks: Plain black only.
  • Footwear: Formal black shoes only, without high heels. Sandals, backless shoes, boots, plimsolls or canvas shoes, or black trainers are not acceptable.
  • Current policy on Coats: All students need a coat or jacket for the cold weather. Coats or jackets are not to be worn in lessons and are not a replacement for the school jumper. Coats should be fit for purpose i.e. warm, splash-proof and suitable for cold and wet weather. We would ask that coats are in consistent colours throughout the garment and that there are no different coloured sleeves unless the design is clearly identifiable as a school coat rather than a fashion garment. Coats must not contain any excessive logos or be made of fabrics such as denim, pleather or ‘teddy’ material. In recent times, some students have started to ‘accessorise’ their uniform, with baseball and motorcycle type jackets as opposed to coats. These items have not been allowed from September 2022. In addition to the above, please note that students are not permitted to wear hoodies at any point on-site as a substitute for a school coat or jumper.
  • Additional Guidance when replacing a coat: In order to assist with ease of interpretation; the vast majority of our students wear school coats which are hooded, splash-proof, warm and consistently black, navy blue, grey or dark green in colour. Operating within these parameters will ensure that the school coat reflects our uniform policy. Coats which are purchased in retailers more associated with fashion are most likely to be regarded as outside of our uniform policy unless they satisfy the requirements outlined in the first paragraph.
  • Hair: Extreme styles of hair are unacceptable. No coloured/dyed/dip dyed hair. Hair colours must be natural, e.g. no blues, greens, pinks, oranges, purples or scarlets. Students may be isolated if the style of hair or colour is seen as inappropriate. If you are unsure as to what is acceptable, please contact the school in advance of getting a haircut or colour. If it is shoulder length or longer, girls will be asked to tie it back in Science, DT and PE for health and safety reasons.
  • Jewellery: Jewellery is not permitted, except for a watch and one discreet stud earring worn in each ear. For clarification, the diameter of the stud should not be greater than the diameter of a standard pencil top. There should not be anything which extends/dangles from the stud earring.
  • As there are many occasions during the school day when girls will be required to remove all jewellery, it is very important that valuable items (both in terms of cost and sentiment) are left at home. Facial, other visible and stretch piercings are not allowed. Refusal to remove jewellery will result in removal from lessons, in the first instance, until compliance with this policy. Ongoing refusal will be dealt with in accordance with the school behaviour policy. If you are unsure as to what is acceptable please contact the school in advance.
  • Make-up: If worn, should be discreet; false eyelashes are not permitted. Nail varnish may be worn in Years 10 & 11 only. False/Gel nails are not permitted.
  • Red hat: A traditional part of the Davison uniform, this is worn when attending church and on some trips.
  • Religious Observance: Headscarves/hijabs, head coverings should be plain navy only.

Davison Preloved uniform

We now have a second hand uniform shop in school with a small supply of various sizes of uniform/PE kit. If you are able to donate any pre worn uniform which is in good condition, our Reception Team would be very grateful.

To enquire about purchasing uniform from the shop please email:

All monies made from the sale of Davison Preloved Uniform will go towards extra curriculum activities and clubs.

PE uniform

  • Plain navy games skort: Must be embroidered with initials and surname of pupil
  • Navy blue shorts: to be purchased only from our official suppliers (Broadwater Sports) and have the school logo on and be embroidered with initials and surname of pupil
    • Pupils can choose to wear either the skort or shorts
  • Navy blue school logo fleece (no alternative jumpers allowed).
  • Red short sleeved ‘aertex’ polo shirt: Must be embroidered with initials and surname of pupil
  • Plain (no logos, mesh) black leggings or tracksuit bottoms: for dance, gymnastics and games. No logos or stripes allowed.
  • Socks: White ankle/trainer socks
  • Sports trainers (no converse/van style shoes allowed)
  • Optional kit: Shin pads

The PE department also has a limited stock of second hand kit which can be purchased from the PE department with items starting at £1.

All items of kit must be clearly named and embroidery can be undertaken by the uniform suppliers if preferred.