Career information
- Davison C.E High School is committed to the government’s career strategy, to improve Careers support for everyone in England. Our school has a Careers programme embedded into our Personal Social Health Education curriculum. A number of career activities occur throughout the year to support our young people in making informed decisions about their Post-16 options and future career paths.
- Careers and Work Experience Co-ordinator – Rachel Parnell
Telephone: 01903 233835
Email: - The eight Gatsby Benchmarksof Good Career Guidance are the key framework for practice in school-based Careers education and guidance. Davison will be using these benchmarks to further develop our Careers programme and to add value to our provision.
- We work with subject leaders to enhance links between curriculum learning and careers, and engage with local businesses to increase opportunities for encounters with employers and employees.
- We use Unifrog complete destinations and careers platform to aid our delivery of CIEAG programme in school
- We review our Careers provision through a self-evaluation tool called Compass, which assesses our Careers programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- Link to most recent Evaluation below,
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Programme (CEIAG)
- Autumn Term
- Unifrog Form time – Thinking about my future
- Employability skills
- Use of online career websites all year
- Spring Term
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- National Apprenticeship Week information for whole school
- National Careers Week events/employer encounters for whole school
- Summer Term
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- PSHE – Industry Box – delivered by Careers Lead
- PSHE Unifrog – Personal qualities and skills – delivered by Careers Lead
- Autumn Term
- Personal skills and qualities
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Use of online career websites all year
- Spring Term
- PSHE – Unifrog World of work – delivered through PSHE over four lessons
- National Apprenticeship Week Information for whole school
- National Careers Week events/employer encounters for whole school
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Summer Term
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Use of online career websites all year
- Autumn Term
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Subject options research – Unifrog
- Subjects linking to careers – Unifrog
- Post-16 course investigation
- Use of Unifrog and additional online career websites all year
- Spring Term
- KS4 options evening
- Post-16 provider engagement opportunity
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- What happens after Davison
- National Apprenticeship Week information for whole school
- National Careers Week events/employer encounters for whole school
- Summer Term
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Work experience launch
- Autumn Term
- An Experience of the workplace launch
- Unifrog – exploring work experience
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- Spring Term
- PSHE An experience of the workplace – health and safety
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- National Apprenticeship Week information for whole school
- National Careers Week events/employer encounters for whole school
- Summer Term
- Work experience week
- Unifrog – Recording activities and skills
- PSHE – Unifrog- Post-16 options talk
- PSHE Unifrog – CV writing
- College taster day
- Autumn Term
- 1:1 opportunities for career interviews and application support
- Post-16 assemblies delivered by local FE colleges, sixth forms & training providers
- In-house Post-16 information evening and careers event
- PSHE – Unifrog Post 16 pathways
- Spring Term
- 1:1 opportunities for career interviews
- College interviews
- National Citizenship Service assemblies
- Summer Term
- Attend GCSE Results Day
Career Share is a new campaign to encourage parents and carers across Sussex to engage with and support their school’s careers activities.
Parents and carers are the biggest influencers on young people’s aspirations and conversations about careers can have a positive impact on grades, motivation to study and attitude to success.
By sharing stories about your career and life path you can make a positive impact on the lives of young people.
Davison CE High School is looking for parents and carers to take part in a range of activities to help prepare our students for life beyond school. There are lots of ways you can get involved, some only taking 5 minutes of your time!
Whatever path you have taken you can inspire, education and encourage young people by sharing the knowledge, networks and experiences you have gained along the way.
If you are interested in supporting our careers programme please let us know by completing this form, CAREER SHARE FORM.
Careerometer and Labour Market Information
The Careerometer widget can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers. It provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.
The data is organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.
Labour Market Information (LMI) is information about the current job market and future projections. The Education Development Trust LMI bulletin includes graduate destinations, average starting salaries, sector growth and skills gaps. You are welcome to read this report below.
External Partners of Davison CE High School
The following companies and organisations are partners of Davison CE High School and over the past twelve months have provided support to aid the provision of careers education. We are always looking to extend this list and welcome any external contacts who are interested in partnering the school to assist with the delivery of our careers programme.
Experience of the Workplace and Skills Week - 14th - 18th July 2025
Placement Tool
- Parent/Carer/Student Information PowerPoint
- Template Letter - requesting a work experience placement
- WEX Hazards Landscaping
- WEX Hazards Office_Environments
- WEX Hazards Retail_Shops
- WEX Hazards Supermarkets
- WEX Hazards Working_with_Animals
- WEX Hazard Painting
- WEX Hazards Beauty_and_Tanning_Salons
- WEX Hazards Bricklaying
- WEX Hazards Child_Care
- WEX Hazards Construction
- WEX Hazards Electrical
- WEX Hazards Farming
- WEX Hazards Fitness_Centres,_Gyms_and_Pools
- WE Hazards Construction
- WEX Delis and Sandwich shops
- WEX Hazard Automotive
- WEX Hazards Hairdressing
- WEX Hazards Hospitality
- Find Virtual Work Experience
Post-16 Information
College open days and evenings begin in September and run through to January. Ideally, college applications should be made before the Christmas holidays. The colleges also offer open events in the Spring term.
Post-16 and other training providers maintain their own details about their courses and open days on their websites. Davison welcomes these providers into school for events and assemblies.

Our most local Post 16 providers are Worthing College and Northbrook MET.
The iCould website is great for exploring different careers, as well as the UCAS website’s section on further education
You can search and set up alerts for apprenticeships on the Find an Apprenticeship website.
Policy Statement on Provider Access
This policy statement sets out Davison C.E High School’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Student Entitlement
All students in Year 7-11 at Davison C.E High School are entitled:
- to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of Provider Access Requests – Procedure
A provider wishing to request access should contact:
Rachel Parnell, Careers and Work Experience Co-ordinator
Telephone: 01903 233835
Opportunities for access
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers including:
- Post 16 Options Evening
- FE and HE Assemblies
- Apprenticeship Events
- Y9 Options Evening
Premises and Facilities
The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity.
The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations.
This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at Reception.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Board of Governors and Principal will monitor the operation and effectiveness of Davison C.E High School’s Policy Statement on Provider Access.