Admissions policy and arrangements
At Davison, we welcome applications, from all families, irrespective of faith background. Our 270 spaces, each year, are filled by students from within the town of Worthing and from considerable distances outside of the town. Excellent train and bus links make us a very accessible school for prospective future students.
Chris Keating, Headteacher
Schools in West Sussex are categorised as community, voluntary controlled and voluntary aided.
Community and voluntary controlled schools serve catchment areas. Voluntary aided schools serve wider areas. This school is a Voluntary Controlled School.
Admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools are the responsibility of the Local Authority and applications must be made through their offices at:
Pupil Admissions Office
Bridge House
Barrington Road
BN12 4SE
Telephone: 03330 142 903
Fax: 01903 839214
Under the Education Act parents can express a preference for any school but parents do not have a right to choose a school.
West Sussex Education Authority does however make every effort to meet parental preference where possible.
Further information about how places are allocated at this, and other schools in the County, is contained in the Authority’s Information for Parents Booklet, a copy of which is available from the Pupil Admissions Office.
Further details relating to admissions can be found on the internet at:
Transport matters for children attending this school are dealt with by the:
Transport Co-ordination Group
The Grange, Tower Street
Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RH
Telephone: 01243 753530
Fax: 01243 777946
Prospective parents admissions
Davison is a voluntary controlled Church of England School which means that the admissions criteria are determined by the Local Authority.
Individual visits to the School are available on request throughout the year – telephone 01903 233835 or email
*Please note that the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) only needs to be completed if you would like to inform us of any church affiliations.
September 2024 Admissions
If you have any questions please email
- Apply by 11.59pm on 31st October 2023
- You will be emailed the outcome by WSCC Admissions on Friday 1st March 2024
- Late applications will be contacted after 2nd April 2024
- Wednesday 3rd July 2024 – Transfer Day & Induction Evening