Our school vision
‘To live life in all its fullness and flourish as God intended.’
Find out more about our values:
Church of England
Davison is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School. The land was given by the Church of England Diocese to enable the school to be built by West Sussex County Council on the site. Davison has close association with the Diocese and particularly with St. George’s Church in East Worthing and the Governing Body includes Foundation Governors, nominated by the Diocese from local churches across Worthing. Staff are employed by West Sussex County Council.
Admission to Davison is controlled by the local authority. We welcome applications from anyone for a place at the school, but, as a church school, priority is given to families who worship regularly at a church which is a member of the Worthing ‘Churches Together’ organisation. There is also an established route into the school for church families in Adur, as there is no Secondary provision in Adur for families seeking a Christian education.
The school prayer and school hymn
Exploring the Christian faith
- Alpha – an opportunity to explore the Christian faith. Each Wednesday in HU7 at 1:20pm
- Tuesday staff prayer in the Prayer Space from 8:15am
- Prayer requests – in the ‘TO’ line of a school email type ‘Prayforme’
- Prayer Space is open each break and lunchtime. See the poster below for more.
- Prayer week, each year in March
- Church services and assemblies. Our theme for 2023/24 is ‘The life of Jesus’
- Whole school reflective responses to global and national events
- The Worthing HUB gathering of local schools and organisation leaders