Do you:
- Care about the education children receive
- Want to make an important contribution to your local community
- Enjoy a challenging and rewarding role, working as part of a team
- Want to help strengthen the link between schools and their communities, including parishes?
Then why not consider becoming a school governor?
Schools need governing bodies to:
- Think and work strategically to help to raise standards
- Monitor and evaluate progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
- Support the head and staff as well as challenging their expectations
- Be accountable to all stakeholders for the school's overall performance and for the decision they have made.
- Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management of the school – that is the job of
the Headteacher and staff. The essential qualifications for an effective governor are time, energy
and commitment, rather than an in-depth knowledge of education, finance, personnel, etc.
Governors are drawn from every walk of life and will:
- Be good listeners
- Ask constructive rather than confrontational questions
- Share their wider experience, knowledge and skills for the benefit of the school as a whole
- Be discreet, open-minded and fair
- Work as part of a team, standing by collective decisions, even if not agreeing with them
- Give time to attend meetings and school occasions
- Keep up-to-date with local and national developments in education
- Attend governor training