Structure and labels of Year Groups
Each student is allocated to a Colour Group for registration. Students remain in their “Colour Family” throughout their time at Davison and with the same Form Tutor. Where possible, sisters will be in the same Colour Family. There are 10 colour groups (tutor groups): Blue, Gold, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White and Yellow.
YEARS 7, 8 & 9
The organisation of the classes for learning is below:
X HALF English Block
| Y HALF English Block
D A V Mixed Groups in Years 7, 8 & 9 I S | O N C Mixed Groups in Years 7, 8 & 9 E |
In the English Block the class groupings are organised by the English department who design the groups so that all students are able to attain their maximum potential. Students are in these classes for English, Drama, Geography, History, Music, PE, PSHE, RS. |
X HALF Maths Block | Y HALF Maths Block |
In the Maths block students are setted according to their Maths ability. Students are in these classes for Maths, Science and Computing. In year 7 students are in these group for Spanish, French and Key Skills. At the end of year 7 students choose to focus on either French, Spanish or Key Skills. In years 8 and 9 there is a separate block for MFL / Key Skills. The make-up of these block varies according to student’ language preferences. |
Key Skills has a focus on functional skills, i.e. Maths and English and on Learning to Learn.
There are separate classes for Art and DT (6 on each half of the year) with smaller class sizes for Health and Safety reasons. DT classes work on a rota to cover all aspects of Design technology and Food preparation and nutrition.
These year groups are divided into two halves X and Y – with a mixture of academic abilities in each block. There are usually 5 classes on each of the X and Y halves for the core subjects. Groups are divided into sets according to ability in a subject area or choice of course. So the X and Y of years 8 and 9 is different in years 10 and 11.
Options are taught in 3 blocks in year 10 and year 11 extending across the whole year group, according to student choice at option time. All students in the higher maths sets (A/B) have to study a language to GCSE. Students can opt for Study Plus as part of their options if they would prefer support in literacy and numeracy and not take up the full complement of 9 or 10 GCSEs. BTECs/OCR level 2 qualifications are taught in some subjects and are available to all students. All students take a GCSE in RS or Citizenship. All students study for at least 2 Science GCSEs (some do Triple which takes up an option]. All students study for English Literature and Language GCSE. RS and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Citizenship are in a block together.