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Rainbows’ Bereavement and Loss Programme

We are pleased to announce, that following the relevant training, Davison C.E High School for Girls is now an accredited ‘Rainbow’ school. This means we are able to extend our wellbeing support to our students through the Rainbows’ Bereavement and Loss Programme.

Rainbows’ Bereavement and Loss Programme is dedicated to supporting those who have experienced bereavement and loss in their lives.  This may include:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Divorce or parent separation
  • Foster homes/adoption and Special Guardianship
  • Families coping with life-limiting or terminal illness of a close family member
  • A home where a parent is serving/ has served a prison sentence
  • Families where one parent has never been part of the child’s life
  • Those who have experienced war or conflict
  • Any other experiences of bereavement and loss.

Please use the link below to either refer your child or self-refer if you are a student. You can find the full information regarding Rainbows’ Bereavement and Loss Programme in the documents section below.
