School contact details
School name, address, telephone number
The name of the staff who deals with queries from parents and public
The name of the contact of Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)
Admission arrangements
Ofsted reports
Publish a copy of the school’s most recent Ofsted Report.
Exam and assessment results
Performance tables
A list of courses available to pupils at Key Stage 4, including GCSEs
Behaviour policy
School complaints procedure
Covid-19 Catch-up Premium Report
Davison CE High School for Girls Covid-19 Catch-up Premium Report
Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium
Summer School
Special educational needs (SEND and disability information)
SEND Policy. Found in Policies and SEND Local Offer
Accessibility Plan. Found in Accessibility and Policies
Careers programme information
Careers Information Advice and Guidance policy
Equality objectives
Governor information and duties
Charging and remissions policy
Charging and Remissions Policy. Found in Policies
Values and ethos
Request for paper copies
Requests for paper copies of the information on the school’s website
Schools Financial Benchmarking
The School Information (England) Regulations 2020
The information can be accessed here.