Mr Chris Keating, Headteacher, commented:
“I am delighted to announce that the students of Davison CE High School for Girls have achieved very positive results which fully reflect the high standards achieved by their predecessors.
This cohort, and other students nationally, have had to cope with a great deal of concern regarding the way in which their results would be accurately predicted. This will have been particularly evident since the release of A-Level grades last week. In view of this, I am extremely thankful that the decision to revert to Centre Assessed Grades has been taken. I have no doubt that, in the absence of full examinations, this process gives the most accurate reflection of the commitment and potential shown, by all students throughout their GCSE studies.
The grades issued have been through a review process which involved moderation from the Subject Leader of each department and the Senior Leader linked to that department. In view of this, our students can take confidence that the grades awarded have been issued with care and consideration. Whilst our students have not been able to prove, via GCSE examinations, that the grade awarded is a fair reflection of their ability; they have proved, day after day, that their work has been of the standard outlined in the awarded grade. The results issued are every bit as valid as those achieved by any previous cohort. They were awarded by colleagues with many years of collective experience who worked closely with our students on a daily basis. It is a pleasure to see so many smiling faces after what has been such a difficult year for these remarkable young people. I have no doubt that they will continue to achieve great things as they move forward. My sincere thanks go to our staff, governors and the students’ families for all the help, support and encouragement they have given over many years.”
Claire Heron, Assistant Headteacher and Head of KS4, also commented:
“Our wonderful Class of 2020, from start to finish you have been an exceptional year group and I am so proud to see that you have achieved such pleasing grades. Albeit cut short, you have worked hard for these results and they are fully deserved.”
(The following 5 students have achieved 8 or more Grade 9’s )
Maddie Tucker, Katie Mills, Lauren Faithful, Emma Worthley, Felicity McGregor
(The following 16 students have achieved 5 or more Grade 9’s )
Maddie Tucker, Katie Mills, Lauren Faithful, Emma Worthley, Felicity McGregor, Olivia McKenna, Scarlet Kilford, Grace Ford, Ella Dallimore, Libby Coppin, Emily Blofeld, Sophie Rayner, Sophie Currell, Anna Owen, Eleanor Vyse, Mia Bishop