At Davison, we pride ourselves on the knowledge students are “well prepared to be the best versions of themselves” (Ofsted 2024).

Here is some useful information to prepare students for the school day ahead of them:

Timings of the Day

  • 8:40am AM Registration and Assembly/Colour Time (if students arrive after this time they will be marked as late)
  • 9:00am Lesson 1
  • 10:00am Lesson 2
  • 11:00am Break
  • 11:20am Lesson 3
  • 12:20pm Lesson 4
  • 1:20pm Lunch
  • 2:00pm PM Registration and DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Time
  • 2:20pm Lesson 5
  • 3:20pm End of the school day

School is open from 8:00am and we have a breakfast club offering a free bowl of cereal to all students from 8:00am to 8:30am.

Students who arrive at school after 9:00am will need to sign in at Student Services.

Daily Equipment Essentials
  • Handwriting pen
  • HB pencil
  • Reading book
  • Ruler and eraser
  • Water bottle
  • Calculator
  • Maths equipment
  • Coloured pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
Forgotten Items

Students are encouraged to be independent, organised and prepared for the day. However, parents/carers can bring in forgotten items and leave them in the student drop-off box in the reception area.

Mobile Phone Use

Phones, devices, ear buds and air pods must be switched off and in students’ bags during lessons, colourtime, assemblies, DEAR and while in corridors.

They may be used at break and lunch time, except in the Diner, Refectory and corridors.

All phones, devices, ear buds and air pods are brought into school at students’ own risk and the school cannot be liable for loss, theft or damage to them. Social media platforms are not to be accessed in school.

Break Time and Lunch

The Diner and Refectory offer freshly prepared hot and cold meals, sandwiches, snacks, fruit and drinks.

They operate a cashless system only – this involves recording a biometric measurement of a student’s finger and then scanning their finger on exit to be able to use funds from their online account to buy food and drink.

If students prefer, they can bring in a packed lunch. Please remember, no nuts.


If a student feels unwell during the school day they should inform their teacher and they will contact a member of the medical team. Students are requested not to call home. If a parent/carer arrives without the student being seen by the medical team and they go home, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Pain medication is available from Student Services from 12:00pm to 2:00pm subject to parents/carers having previously given consent.

Sanitary Products

Sanitary products, period pants and spare underwear are available from Student Services.


Jewellery is not permitted, except for a watch and one stud earring worn in each ear. Facial, other visible and stretch piercings are not allowed. As there are occasions during the school day when students will be required to remove jewellery, it is important valuable and sentimental items are left at home.

Staying behind after school

If students are staying behind after school to attend a club or other activity, students must tell their parents/carers the time they will be finishing and make arrangements to get home.

After school, all students must be registered onsite for fire safety reasons.

Reception closes at 4:00pm and the school phones operate from 8:30am to 3:45pm.