Year 8 Interform Dance

Year 8 Interform dance was a celebration of the form groups demonstrating our school values in all its fullness!

All 10 form groups created a dance together which linked to one of 10 stimuli from nature. In doing so they would have had to communicate effectively, resolve conflict, listen to each other’s ideas and points of view- some of which would have shown great leadership and resilience.

We held our show in the school hall this year, where it would have normally been held at Worthing Pavilion. The students were adaptable and positive which in turn made a great show. We have recorded the show, accessible in the video link below, for you to watch from home to continue to celebrate your daughter’s success.

Congratulations to our wonderful winners!

1st place: 8 White

2nd place: Blue and Gold (tied on judging points)

3rd place: Orange

All pieces responded creatively to the stimulus and there was a specific mention for 8 Pink who had excellent choreography.

Hard work is currently underway with preparations for Intercolour Dance for a combined effort for Year 9 and 10, due on stage at Worthing Pavilion in May of this year.